You know you have the talent and the fans to lift you up. Walk the path you want not what label heads want beautiful Tenille β€οΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ¦˜

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Thanks for this Anne!! xo

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Break ups are not easy no matter if they are with a spouse, a friend, a job, a bad habit or...a record label. It takes extraordinary courage and self awareness to know when it's time to choose yourself above all other things. Congratulations on taking the hardest first step. The next few will be harder...but just put one foot in front of the other one step at a time.

Next month marks two years from the day I decided to blow up my own life. After over twenty five years in a career, I quit. I finally realized that I was pouring blood sweat and tears into working for big companies that could care less about me as a human. I had worked so hard for so long and had achieved great success according to my annual reviews. The thing is...when you get to heaven I can't imagine they use the title on your business card or the number of commas in your salary to determineif you get to come in or not. I had chased my dream job only to lose every other thing along the way. So one day...I just stopped chasing and decided to just stand still for a bit. It was a risk. A huge one. I celebrated the freedom you refer to in your post for the first few weeks. But like a light switch the 'WTF have I done?' panic punched me in the gut. Ironically, Landslide was the soundtrack of that moment in my life too. I was afraid of changing. But time makes you bolder.

This is just a season of your life Tenille. You can sail through the changing ocean tides I promise. The key is to remember that your heart is your compass. Follow it. It will never steer you wrong. It may steer you through a few storms of life but, it will always lead you where you are meant to be.

Thank you for taking us along with you on this journey! You are not alone.

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Wow... this is incredible... I admire your strength and courage to make that change so much. You are so brave and it means a lot to hear that making the jump was both terrifying and worth it. Definitely feeling the what I have I done panic too... time makes you bolder... holding on to that... Thank you for sharing <3

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Sep 17Β·edited Sep 17

Pleasant to read that there are others with a similar point of view. Yes, time does make you bolder and. . . . older. = :-)

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Oh Tenille, hugs & more hugs for all you just shared. Thank you for creating this space to bare your soul and confide in this community of people who I believe truly care about you and your journey. I very much know about feeling like you’ve β€œmade it” and that all the hard work & sacrifices have finally paid off and then due to circumstances beyond our control, it comes crashing down…your sad, disillusioned…so many feelings. You are definitely not alone being in the place you are right now. Being at the bottom of the mountain and wandering how in the world you will get to the top is daunting. The best advice I can give is to take one moment at a time, one day at a time. Do things that feed your soul and keep your eyes & heart open to inspiration in unexpected places. From my experience, the more I’ve invested in myself to take care of my heart, body, soul & spirit, the more I’ve been empowered to climb and reach the next landing. I’m no where near the top yet, but I have faith I’ll get there…the timeline of how it all works out may take longer than I planned, but I’d miss so much happening around me otherwise. So much of life truly isn’t just about the destination…it’s the journey to the destination collectively. That seems to be where you are with everything you’ve shared. Please know in spirit, I’m beside you climbing right with you and here to watch the beautiful journey of your life unfold.

Much love to you, Tenille πŸ’—

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Thank you for listening and being there... and for sharing your journey too. I love the wisdom of taking care of yourself along the way... thanks for climbing with me!! xo

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First, I'm so proud of you, for so many things in this message. I would never have the nerve, courage, etc. to bet on myself to the level you did in front of those label reps that say. That takes so much strength mentally, emotionally and physically. Same with stepping away from that same label on a new journey. I've had my share of starting over a few times in life. It's a rollercoaster ride for sure, from extreme highs to disappointing lows but keeping a positive mindset has always been the thing I've forced myself to see in everything. Celebrate the positives when they are abundantly there, take them all when you can get them! But when things seem low, try to find a glimmer of something being positive within that moment or situation. Sometimes we think things are supposed to work out one way when in fact, they end up going the complete opposite. There's a reason, sometimes we can find the reason later and look back and say "ahhhhh, now I see why that happened..." And sometimes we will never know. Just trust and stay positive.

I also know this means you will have full creative freedom and my soul is screaming with excitement inside for the music we are about to hear while you embark on this journey. You are so unbelievably talented at writing, your words have so much weight and warmth to them, I can't quite explain it. You have a gift, and I feel so lucky to be here to witness it. Please keep putting all of your thoughts into words and music, There's a couple artists who's music and lyrics I feel have the ability to heal the soul, and you are absolutely one of them.


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Love this so much... amen to the positive mindset... that's a very strong thing to do and I admire you. And so true about things looking different than you thought. Trust and stay positive. Holding on to that!! thanks for celebrating with me! xo

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I’m about four months into my own journey of starting fresh, and while it’s definitely tough at times, I know you’ve got the strength to start tackling this new adventure too.

Some days you’ll feel like you’re making incredible progress, like you’re moving mountains. But other days, just getting out of bed might feel like the hardest thing in the world. It’s okay to have those ups and downs. You might find yourself getting caught up in memories, feeling angry or sad about what used to be, but then there will be moments when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and realize you’re starting to genuinely smile again and there’s a new glow about you. Some days you’ll be soaring and other days you’ll just be getting by but every single day is a step forward in this journey toward discovering what’s next for you.

A few things that have really helped me during this transition:

-Therapy: Having someone to talk to can make a huge difference.

-Journaling: Write down your thoughts, but also keep a separate journal for to-do lists or ideas that excite you.

-Walking: When you feel stuck, get outside. Breathe in the fresh air, soak up some sunlight, and just take a moment for yourself.

-Friends/ Family: Make sure your friends and family know how they can best support you through the transition ex: Do you want advice? Do you want them to check in on you? Do you need space and boundaries as you figure out what you want to do next?

-Find things that you’re passionate about outside of what you do to make a living. Your 100 things list is the perfect example of this.

-Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. It will take time to build what you want to build and you need to give yourself grace to take breaks when you need them. It’s important to be in the moment and listen to your body, a lot of us that are perfectionists also live in the future and the β€œwhat if”/ anxiety mindset so it’s important to pull ourselves back to the here and now.

It’s scary to make these changes but like a plant growing in a pot we can only grow as much as the environment we’re in allows us to. At some point you outgrow the environment and start to feel stuck. At that point you need to switch to a fresh environment if you want to keep growing.

You’re stronger than you know, and we’re all here to cheer you on❀️

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This made me a little weepy!!! Thank you so much for sharing this... you are so wise and I love these tangible steps to take on the days when it feels like just getting by. Thank you for being you. So proud of you on your journey and leap of faith too. And amen to the environment we're in and outgrowing it... that's really beautiful. thanks for being there. xo

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This is such wonderful and beautiful advice Jillian, I needed to hear a lot of this as well. πŸ’• Thank you.

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Strength & love from Scotland.

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Thank you for that! I can't wait to come back and tour your way... Scotland is one of my favourite places.

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This past winter teaching grade six and having no idea how to take the first steps to teach the material and have myself and the students understand made me think of that. Thinking about how I saw how the students learn helped and the thought of living my career dream gave me momentum. I kept telling myself that I’m new to this and it’s ok to not be perfect.

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Love this momentum and permission to not be perfect... that's really great. Love that those students have you!

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Thank youπŸ₯Ή

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Oh Tenille, you're amazing and brave. I'm so excited to see what you do next and you have so much support. I hope I can be as brave as you! πŸ’– Hugs

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Thanks for your encouragement and bravery too!! xo

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Looking forward to following alongside this new journey with you! Standing front row of your concert in London during the pandemic was the most magical experience - thank you so much. πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ€

P.S. I also came out of that concert with the best food recommendations (Sam & Zoe’s and Cilantro πŸ˜‰). πŸ™Œ

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Thank you for this Emily!! Haha I'm so glad you loved those spots! My favs in town ha! And that concert was so special in such a strange time... thank you for being there <3

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Loved reading this! I had the same feeling when I moved from LA to Nashville. Never been to Nashville before but wanted to work in music still, just with a cheaper cost of living and none of the drama from LA

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Hope you love Nashville! It's a pretty great creative space to be.

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It’s pretty great! Lot more opportunity out here it feels like, and less gatekeeper like.

Just need to find a good breakfast spot with good pancakes and waffles and I’ll be set for all the breakfast meetings haha

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