Sep 14·edited Sep 16

There are thousands of books written about how to live one's life. The only sharks out there are all those pseudo experts who gaslight you to believe they have all the answers for you. I offer you mine "gratuitement." = :-)

"Believe in yourself, Tenille." Only you knows you. I don't expect you to overcome your fears just because I left you this comment. You are Captain of your ship.

I lived my life with the fear of what comes next. I am still here despite the past experiences. Many regrets and failures a fading memory though some remain a reminder. Like a stain that is difficult to remove. I now have long silver hair and feel I have earned my state of peace. I rarely read self help books except the ones that show me how to build a shelf.

I get that you have a lot invested in your art and your crew. Creative doubts and a fear that you will become irrelevant, will arise. It's not easy going back to the farm when you've been to the stars. Remember, the dream you had strived for has been presented to you in so many mind blowing ways. I'm sure you had fear when you stood there in front of the Big Suits with your guitar. Fear and apprehension just before you walked onto that famous circle on the stage of The Grand 'Ol Opry! As the old saying goes, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

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Thanks for the encouragement! nothing to fear but fear itself is so true!

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My friend's cousin's babysitter's boyfriend was attacked by sharks in that pool back in the day. You were right. 😆

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hahaha... I knew I was on to something

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This acronym is very fitting: Face Everything And Rise!!

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Love this <3

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Thank you for this great post. Since you are one of my two role models for dealing with fear, to hear about its prominence in your life is even more impressive.

I only learned to swim when I was 30. When I did, it was absolutely thrilling. I love swimming in a pool but the fear is waiting for me when I'm in the sea, out of my depth. So I find that fear is slippery and persistent. I do best when I make peace with it and try to work with it. Accept it and not become fearful of the fear. If possible, marvel at the fear. Find something positive in it. Some kind of energy you can harness. Like tacking into the wind. Easier to say than do, of course 😂

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Thank you for sharing this... love the action of making peace with it and accepting it. I think that's awesome to practice.

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Wonderful post Tenille. I know I've shared with you before on how our journey through dealing with fear is similar. This is a book I will have to look into. Keep up the great work. Love what I'm seeing come out of independent artist Tenille.

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Thanks for this! Appreciate you! And hope you love the book!

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I hope you are loved as you are. What a brilliant sentence, sentiment and blessing … thank you. I hope you are loved as you are also.

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I like the description of fear being “a piece of lint” or a “dusty radio”👏🏻 I had never thought of it like that🤯

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thank you for feeling that with me <3

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