
These posts read like getting a hand-written letter from a friend, which may be the best form of writing there is. Admiring your moxie, as always.

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This means more than I can say... I'm so glad it feels that way!

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Thanks for sharing this! I loved reading every single word. You are so relatable…. I just adore you! Thanks for being here…. Thanks for taking us on this journey. I feel incredibly blessed to have your music in my life. I’ll tell you over and over until you believe me….. you and your music make this crazy world a better place. 🫶🏼

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Thank you for reading this and being on the journey with me! You truly mean a whole to me. Hope you have a great week ahead!!!

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Chapeau, chapeau this has inspired me to bring my longform to substack eventually and start posting my poetry and me reading it as well like spoken word style. It's something I've wanted to do for decades but never knew where or how. My problem is technology seems so daunting so I keep to what I know without expanding my horizons. Anyway you are doing great.

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love this!! So glad you're doing it! You got this!

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Thank you for sharing all of this!😊 life can be such a journey but taking these moments to reflect, try new things, and help ourselves does wonders.🩷

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thank you for being on the journey with me. amen to the wonders!

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This is so fun! I love Bobbie’s Dairy Dip, go back and try their Sundays. Simple, but delicious 🤍

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Love that you love it too! Such a good vibe!

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Sep 1·edited Sep 2

In this comment section, am I supposed to just give you a thumbs up or do I offer my superfluous opinion? I'll start with a "Thumbs Up" and go with my thoughts and see how it goes. (place sheepish grin ,here)

This "SubStack" is so much more fullfilling then a short post on Social. Welcoming us to get a little more insight into Tenille. And an opportunity to comment

"New Thing #1" As I have said all there was to be said at that moment about your breakup and your personal thoughts and fears, I'll move on.

New Thing #2 looked fun on Social but by the looks of your enthusiasm and no elbow, knee and head protection, I sensed it was going to end badly. My heart sank when you showed us your boo boo. Don't need to tell you how close you came to ! ! ! ! No need to expand. I hope you struck that one off the list now that you tried it. Trying "New Things" doesn't have to become a career. LOL.

"New Thing #4" Treat Sam, as your child and include him in your professional and private life as much as you can. Take him to the office, on the road if your bussing. I'm sure you have an assistant that can babysit while your doing your thing. I admire you including him on your quest. The hike and water sports is usually great fun for them. Mac, a Border, and I go for walks ( his ears perked up just by me typing "walk" ), play fetch ball. He fetches but keeps it so I have to have another in my hand. Toss sticks into the dugout (man-made farm pond) for him to dive in and get it. He is getting on in years but still acts like a 5 year old child at times. I adopted him 5 years ago when his human passed suddenly. Mac and I were already good friends before that and so he settled in to my home like he belonged there. Many times I would be so thankful for him to be in my life and he is the luckiest person to have me in his life.

I will end here. This is your SubStack, not mine.

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Thanks for reading this! I appreciate you! And love that you have such a great companion in Mac! He sounds awesome! Have a great week!

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Thanks for sharing, Tenille!!

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Thank you for reading!!

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I really enjoyed reading this. The dog thing... it was hard to convince Paul to get a dog but then we've had three since then - all Beagles. Hard to train at first but so loyal. Ryan signed Pookie up for a dog obedience class...which turned into me going! But I also have a hard time leaving work and getting out of the house - so this could be another place to get "out of yourself" in a space where you can meet other people who are just doing every day things in your community. So I suggest you consider a dog obedience class for your list. It makes for a happier dog too! It's kind of like babies - no instruction manual with them!

I suggest you listen to one new artist a week... and I would highly recommend Scott Cook. as one of those. He was the surprise guest instructor when our Aussie Tom Richardson couldn't make it this year. Born in the US, raised in Canada (Tumbler Ridge, Kamloops and more). He also has a "code" he lives and writes by... you've probably already heard of him. He doesn't copyright his music - it has a reverse copyright symbol on it. He writes amazing books which started as liner notes... and his lyrics are deep and sharp and witty and powerful all at once. The first song I'd listen to is "Pass It Along" followed up by "Dogs & Kids" ... His latest book/CD is "Tangled Souls" and the writing is very interesting as well.

Be well. Have fun. And have faith...

"And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

by Max Ehrmann ©1927

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Thank you for this Leslie!! I love that on the dog thing! What a great idea to meet more awesome people. Amen to the lacking of a manual haha. Love the new artist a week and been a fan of Scott Cook for a long time! He's awesome! Hope you have a great day ahead! What a great quote too... xo

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I’m new to Substack and didn’t realize I was actually writing a reply to the world instead of to you lol but it’s all good and I’m enjoying the format!

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love reading these substack posts! so cool to just hear about your adventures in a longer, more nuanced way than just instagram and whatnot.

root beer floats are incredible!!

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I so appreciate you reading these! Grateful for the long form too! Hope you have a great day!

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Thank you for your honesty and heartfelt words. You're not doing stuff by halves eh? NYT crossword i kinda famous for being tough so kudos on getting 2. Next time you're in Scotland we'll sort you out with a real ice-cream float using Red Kola - you'll be longboarding in a handstand with the sugar hit lol. Stay strong wee yin.

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haha gotta go for it! Thank you for reading and listening! I appreciate you. And I love the sound of Red Kola float! That sounds amazing!

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